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Why Halbach array is so strength?

scanning: author: from: time:2023-04-23 classify:Industry Information

"Halbach array" refers to a specific arrangement of permanent magnets that produces a strong and uniform magnetic field on one side while almost no magnetic field on the other side. This array was invented by the physicist Klaus Halbach and is used in a variety of applications, including magnetic levitation, electric motors, and particle accelerators.

The Halbach array consists of a series of permanent magnets that are arranged in a specific pattern such that the magnetic field produced by each magnet reinforces the field produced by its neighbors. This arrangement creates a strong and uniform magnetic field on one side of the array, while the field on the other side is almost zero. This is because the magnetic field lines are redirected and concentrated on one side, while they cancel out on the other.

The Halbach array has several advantages over traditional magnet arrangements, such as increased magnetic field strength, reduced weight and size, and improved efficiency. It is commonly used in high-performance motors, such as those used in electric vehicles, and in magnetic bearings and couplings.